Morning Drop Off & Dismissal Procedures
Morning Drop Off-9:10-9:25 (For All Students K-5)
Supervision of children does not take place until 9:10.
We cannot guarantee your child’s safety until that time.
At 9:10 there will be a Teaching Assistant standing at the playground gate as drop off begins. DO NOT leave your child unattended until the Teaching Assistant is visible.
If you park in the lot:
Please park in unmarked spots or around the iron fence. For special event nights with many families at Stony, parking on the front right grassy hill is allowed.
DO NOT PARK IN MARKED NO PARKING SPOTS - These are marked to maintain emergency access and to prevent accidents
If you drive in to drop your children off in the morning please:
Drive up and stop in line at the yellow curbed sidewalk up to the bus entry sign - DO NOT PARK PAST THE BUS ENTRY SIGN or DRIVE IN THE BUS LANE If you pull past the sign stating, Student Drop Off, you will become blocked in by the buses or they are unable to pull to the curb.
Have children exit your car onto the sidewalk near the playground gate on the right side of the building. In nice weather students will go through the gate and join friends on the playground, field or blacktop.
In the event of inclement weather the Teaching Assistant will stand in front of the building at the main entrance. Continue to drop off at the sidewalk area and children can then walk to the front entrance. K-3 students gather in the Gym and 4 & 5 students gather in the Cafeteria on inclement weather days.
DO NOT pass the buses or use the bus lane at any time.
DO NOT stop in the inner car lane after the drop off area. You must park to drop off in the car lane.
DO NOT drive through the parking lot against the “one-way” flow.
If traffic is backed up on Stony Lane DO NOT PASS CARS BY GOING ON THE INSIDE/WRONG LANE
Kindergarten students start by gathering in the Front Entryway outside each morning or in the Front Entryway Hall for inclement weather. In the late fall/winter they then join all other students outside through the Gate and onto the Blacktop for arrival.
Breakfast is available in the Cafeteria daily from 9:10-9:25.
After dropping off your children please move your car as soon as possible to free up space for other drop-offs.
Morning Drop Off Procedures After 9:25 (For All Students K-5)
The building is secured (all doors locked) at 9:25am.
If your child arrives after 9:25am, you will need to walk him/her into the building.
Please DO NOT drop children at the main entrance and watch them walk in - This is for the SAFETY of the students
Please Note:
If you will be accompanying your child into the building during drop-off time, please park your vehicle in the parking lot.
If you are changing your child(ren)’s dismissal routine, please complete the Daily Dismissal form each time needed. This form is emailed at the end of each school day for the next day’s dismissal.
Student Pick Up is at the side door near the Gym - Door B4. Please park & form a line at Door B4. Give your name and ID and your child will be brought to you for dismissal. Kindergarten will start first around 3:40pm. No one is allowed in the building from this location.
Parking in the lot left of school is easiest for Pick Up location, parking can also occur surrounding black iron fence in front of school by driving up to the facing fence. DO NOT park in marked No Parking Sign spots on left of exitway
Please do not call the school AFTER 3pm (unless emergency) to ask us to dismiss your child; office staff are unable to guarantee ANY dismissal changes after 3pm (email, phone calls or otherwise) as we cannot guarantee that your child’s teacher will get the message in time for dismissal.
We can not dismiss students from the office after 3:15 because there are many things happening around our dismissal time.
STONY LANE security procedures when entering the building during school hours:
You will need to buzz in at the Main Office and state your name and destination
Only one person/family may pass at a time at this door. Please do not hold the door for others entering. It may seem unkind, but we are looking for safety first.
Once you enter, you need to see an adult to sign in.
Please be prepared to show identification and to leave collateral at this desk in exchange for a Visitor's Badge. It can be your keys, your ID, your phone, etc. Your items will be returned to you when you check out and return your Visitor Badge. You are only allowed to volunteer if you have a cleared BCI check.
You will then need to be escorted or buzzed to proceed to your destination through our main hallway doors which are now locked at all times.
If you are picking up a student, you will still need to sign them out of school.
If you are simply dropping off an item, please ring the bell and office staff will collect it from you and get it to your child.
Please allot a few extra minutes for this transition period so you can make your meetings on time and we can be efficient in getting you to your destination
Safety Protocols:
School Drills occur monthly and vary between Fire, Shelter in Place, Lockdown, Evacuation and others as needed. Often the first practice drills are announced to students and staff prior to ease worry. Stony Lane will communicate with Families following practice drills. Stony Lane follows all NK policies and plans and regularly collaborates with Admin, NKPD, NK Fire as well as The RI School Safety Committee.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and collaboration in making our school environment more safe!